Benefit from Morocco’s first SRI fund investing in socially responsible stocks

Latest NAV 26/07/2024

  • Net asset value (MAD) 1 303,62
  • NAV calculation frequencyHebdo
  • Net asset (MAD) 1 304 932,03


Since start of year 04/01/2024 1 week 19/07/2024 1 month 28/06/2024 3 months 26/04/2024 6 months 01/02/2024 1 year 28/07/2023 3 years 02/08/2021
CAPITAL ISR 8,74% 0,54% 2,60% 2,87% 7,25% 10,17% 2,18%
Benchmark index 6,71% 0,23% 2,44% 2,38% 4,97% 10,23% 0,00%

Past performance is not indicative of future returns.
For those funds which do not have a complete NAV track-record over the entire period, the performance data provided relate to the performance calculated since the fund’s launch date.

Net asset value

NAVs evolution and benchmark index


Investment guidelines

  • Investment period 5 years
  • Benchmark 75% MBI Global 25 % MASI
  • Sensitivity Supérieur à 13

Investment objective

Investment strategy

The fund will be permanently invested up to 60% of its assets at least, excluding equity funds securities in equities listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange, investment certificates, allocation or subscription rights and traded. The investments of the ISR Capital Fund will be selected through a number of socially responsible criteria. These criteria are defined by the international extra financial rating agency Vigeo. Vigeo rates the largest companies listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange on their social responsibility risks, and on the basis of systematic consultation of businesses on the one hand, and their stakeholders on the other hand. ""FCP ISR Capital” should be limited to an investment universe consisting of stocks listed on the local market, with the highest ratings by Vigeo. Moreover, the fund may devote up to 10% of its net assets in foreign currency transactions abroad, provided the limits, rules and conditions in force. On this 10% of the net assets, the investments should focus on listed foreign securities, with the highest ratings by Vigeo in socially responsible investment. The fund's investment strategy is thus based on an allocation observing a ""Best in Class"" approach. Also, monitoring of compliance with the SRI rules is performed by Vigeo that ensures monitoring of the investment universe of the ISR Capital Find implying that a company may be included or excluded. In this case, the manager of the ISR Capital Fund is instantly informed through a warning following a surveillance or change in evaluation of a company. In addition to this monitoring, Vigeo also undertakes to update the rating of a company at least once every two years. Following these possible changes, the Manager adjusts the allocation of funds accordingly, by placing the portfolio on highly rated securities by Vigeo. Stock selection among the eligible investment universe and their weighting is determined on the Investment Committee, within the limits, rules and conditions applicable regulations. The ISR Capital Fund will be audited by Vigeo every 18 months.

The audit is aimed to attest the following:

The conformity of selection and management processes with the commitments made to hold the values ""Best in class"" as identified from the Vigeo rating process;

The relevance of the selected companies getting high scores on a number of social responsibility criteria;

The absence of serious controversy over one or more of the criteria of the Vigeo rating repository for the selected companies.


Risk indicators

As of   26/07/2024

  • Volatility 12,00%
  • Beta NA
  • Treynor ratio NA
  • Sharpe ratio 1,52
  • Information ratio 0,88
  • Tracking Error 4,32%

Performance calculated Year Over Year.


Inception date02/02/2024

Subscribers Natural and legal persons


Front-end fee (maximum) 2%

Legal structure FCP

Back-end fee (maximum) 1%

ISIN code MA0000039216

Maximum management fees 2%

Sales network Bank Of Africa et BMCE Capital Gestion

Transmission orders D before 10.30 am

Minimum subscription NAV


Weekly report

Quarterly report




Capital Gestion is a limited company (société anonyme) with a share capital of MAD 25,000,000. Its head office is located at 63 boulevard Moulay Youssef, Casablanca, Morocco. The company is registered in the Casablanca Commercial Register with the number 77,973. BMCE Capital Gestion is an asset management company operating in the Moroccan market in accordance with the provisions of (i) the dahir constituting Law No. 1-93-213 of 4 Rebia II (21 September 1993) relating to Mutual Funds as amended and subsequently complemented by (ii) the provisions of the circulars of the Autorité Marocaine du Marché des Capitaux, Morocco’s financial industry regulatory authority.


The information published on this website is for information purposes only and is not legally binding. BMCE Capital Gestion reserves the right to modify the content and its commercial offers at any time. BMCE Capital Gestion endeavours to ensure that the information published on its website is accurate at the time of publication and that it is regularly updated. However, BMCE Capital Gestion cannot be held liable as to the accuracy, exclusivity and use by any individual or legal entity of the information provided. The purpose of this website is to present BMCE’s business and the products and services that is provides to investors. The following pages contain information which should not be construed as a solicitation to individuals or legal entities that are not financial sector professionals or those unfamiliar with market practices. The latter are advised to refer to legal documents relating to the investment in question and to seek the advice of a professional advisor of their choice. BMCE Capital Gestion advises all interested investors to carry out a prior check to ensure that they are legally authorised to subscribe for the products and services described on this website. The following pages will feature only those mutual funds whose sale is authorised in Morocco. The factsheets of the mutual funds approved by the AMMC (Autorité Marocaine du Marché des Capitaux) , Morocco’s financial industry regulatory authority, are available on this website and shall also be provided by investment advisors upon request. It is essential to study a fund’s factsheet in order to understand the type of instrument, the subscription terms and conditions as well as any possible sale restrictions. The tax implications regarding investment in fund units or shares vary according to each investor’s personal situation and may be revised. It is mandatory to make the fund factsheet available to subscribers prior to their initial subscription. All legal documents relating to BMCE Capital Gestion’s mutual funds may be obtained upon request. It is important to note that the price of a fund’s units or shares is linked to financial market trends and therefore fluctuates. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. The performance data presented is for information purposes only and does not exclude the possibility of error and/or omission by BMCE Capital Gestion and/or application malfunctions.


To be able to place orders via OPCVM Direct platform, the Client is obliged to sign an agreement (hereafter referred to as the 3OPCVM Direct agreement’) with BMCE Capital Gestion. The OPCVM Direct agreement specifies the general terms and conditions applicable for sending and receiving client orders through OPCVM Direct platform and BMCE Capital Gestion’s handling and execution of those orders.


The information generated by BMCE Capital Gestion through its simulator is provided for information purposes only. It is valid only at the time of publication. The simulations do not take into consideration subsequent amendments, if any, to the laws and regulations in effect at the time of the simulation. Moreover, the data used to carry out the simulation may change between the time the simulation is carried out and the completion of the order. Aimed at the entire range of clients, the information provided by the BMCE Capital Gestion simulator does not take into consideration the specific situation of each individual accessing the website as it is intended to be general in nature. The information is generated based on the data provided by the client and information obtained from the markets. The Client should therefore regard the estimates and other items as purely indicative. The information generated by the simulator does not under any circumstance exempt the user of the simulator from consulting our investment advisors particularly to ensure that their specific situation is taken into consideration. It cannot under any circumstance be considered as an offer or a personalised and direct solicitation to subscribe to al fund. It is not legally binding in any way on BMCE Capital Gestion or the user of the website, who is required at all times to appraise the information based on his/her own situation. The person using the website remains solely and entirely responsible for using this information and the consequences of his/her decisions.


The videos available on the website have been provided for the sole purpose of providing general information and cannot be considered as a substitute for (i) studying the legal documentation relating to each investment vehicle and (ii) consulting your own legal and financial advisors prior to investing. The aforementioned videos have been made for information purposes only and cannot be regarded as a sales offer or a solicitation to buy any financial instrument referred to in these videos. BMCE Capital Gestion has not produced the videos for the purpose of providing financial or investment advice and does not claim that the securities or services referred to in the videos are suited to every type of investor. The videos must strictly be considered as solely expressing the views of their authors.


The BMCE Capital Gestion website is accessible 24/7, except in exceptional circumstances, in the event of IT breakdowns or problems related to telecoms networks. The website may also be partially or completely inaccessible due to maintenance. BMCE Capital Gestion will endeavour to inform users but cannot be held liable in the event that the website cannot be accessed.


The entire content published on the website is legally protected in respect of literary, artistic and industrial property. The text, illustrations, photos, videos and animations including the downloadable documents are the property of BMCE Capital Gestion or are used by the latter with the consent of those owning the rights. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce or represent this information, either partially or entirely, on any medium whatsoever without obtaining the prior written consent of BMCE Capital Gestion. The brands/trademarks, logos, slogans as well as the product names are the property of BMCE Capital Gestion and may be used only after obtaining authorisation. Any reproduction or use of the material without the prior written consent of BMCE Capital Gestion may have legal consequences for the user and is liable to be regarded as an infringement.


BMCE Capital Gestion cannot be held legally responsible with regard to the content of third party websites to which users of its website are directed by clicking on embedded links. BMCE Capital Gestion is not legally liable for links that direct users to its website. It is forbidden to embed such links without the prior written consent of BMCE Capital Gestion.


The Client expressly gives his/her prior consent to personal data being collected and processed in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 09/08 relating to the protection of personal data and with the authorisation No. A -GC -121/2014 from the CNDP (National Personal Data Control and Protection Commission). Processing of personal data is designed to meet the commercial requirements inherent in relations between BMCE Capital Gestion and its partners. This data will be stored for a period of time that is deemed reasonable and sufficient with regard to the business relationship that exists between BMCE Capital Gestion and its client. Consequently, in accordance with Law No. 09/08, clients have a right of information and to access, rectify and raise an objection with regard to their personal data. Clients can exercise these rights by writing to BMCE Capital Gestion.